Photo by Laurence Niolle
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Simplicity in capture and creativity is what I strive for, but this blog is for ramblings, previews and catch-ups. Please enjoy and join in!


Being averse to the 'staged' feel one sometimes gets with cultural experiences, I approached visiting a traditional healer in Makuleke Village with some ambivalence. What a delightful surprise!
With her pharmacy equivalent and open-air consultation area at her home, she went about her consultations without me feeling intrusive in any way. Referring to me as her colleague (not too sure how I feel about that), she met with her patients with a lot of chanting, throwing of bones, lion claws and various other artefacts, for lack of a better word.
She was the real deal and despite having being told we would be visiting, did nothing other than what she does every day. Psychosomatic stuff? Whatever. Western medicine works pretty much the same way, though without the lion claw. Still wondering where she got that!
As a morning activity from Pafuri Camp in Kruger National Park, I'd recommend this and next time I'll take her up on her offer to 'do' me. Perhaps.

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